NBN Atlas

NBN Atlas


The NBN Atlas is managed and developed by the National Biodiversity Network (NBN), a UK charity whose priority is to grow national commitment to sharing wildlife data and information. The NBN Atlas can be found here: https://nbnatlas.org/ and it is the base for four country hubs:

The objectives of the NBN Atlas concern education, promotion of biodiversity and providing a trusted portal for UK biodiversity data.

The NBN Trust employs two full-time developers, a project manager, a data manager and two part-time support officers to manage, support and develop the NBN Atlas and country hubs.

The NBN Atlas uses the UK Species Inventory as the species dictionary for the name indexer.


Modules Available

Name Link
Collectory https://registry.nbnatlas.org/
Biocache https://records.nbnatlas.org/
Biocache Service https://records-ws.nbnatlas.org/
Species https://species.nbnatlas.org/
Species service https://species-ws.nbnatlas.org/
Species list https://lists.nbnatlas.org/
Regions https://regions.nbnatlas.org/
Images https://images.nbnatlas.org/
Spatial https://spatial.nbnatlas.org/
CAS https://auth.nbnatlas.org/cas/
Alerts https://alerts.nbnatlas.org/
Logger https://logger.nbnatlas.org/
User details https://auth.nbnatlas.org/userdetails/

For more information, you may contact Justin Dee on Slack.